Help us to help more people

Take the test...
We're on a mission

The physical and mental health of the community is at the heart of what we do. Our unique “Wellbeing test” helps people to better understand how lifestyle impacts their life. And if they need help, our resources and partners are there to support them. 

With our interactive “Wheel of Life” we help young and not so young to see, in just a few simple clicks, a snapshot of their life.

And the newly developed ACE and PCE tests will help people to understand why trauma is such an important part of who they are.

We provide all these amazing tools for the community to use, free of charge.

But we need help, your help.

We want to help more people and to do that we need funds.

  • To run workshops
  • To run social media campaigns
  • To publicise in local publications
  • To continue to fine-tune or resources

If you want to help by making a donation simply click below.

GreenHeart Community
Doncaster, UK, tel: 07951138579
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