
Sugar the bitter truth - You Tube

Why Sugar is the biggest drain on your health and wellness.

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National Sleep Foundation

Why do we need sleep?

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Human Resilience

Getting started is the biggest hurdle...

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Garbor Mate - You Tube

The biology of loss and recovery

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Eckhart Tolle
Staying conscious in the face of adversity Download the file... Go to this resource...

Immune support
Heals and reregulates human tissue Download the file... Go to this resource...

Sean Stephenson - Ted x
The prison of your mind. Download the file... Go to this resource...

Dr. Jamnadas, MD - Galen Foundation lecture
The bitter-sweet truth. Download the file... Go to this resource...

David Sinclair
Why we age and why we don't have to. Download the file... Go to this resource...

A Monk's perspective
5 things to make your mornings better. Download the file... Go to this resource...

Dr Sten Eckberg
Perspectives on the vegan verses animal source argument for dietary protein and healthy fats. Download the file... Go to this resource...

High Intensity Health - talk
Breath-work for improved cognitive and physical health. Download the file... Go to this resource...

Dr. Paul Mason - 'Reversing dementia with diet:
A You tube tutorial covering evidenced based facts about insulin resistance and its correlation to dementia and Alzheimer's disease.  Download the file... Go to this resource...

A simple step-by-step guide for improving mental health and developing resilience by following dietary changes and improving your eating habits. Download the file... Go to this resource...

Tim Ferris - You Tube

Coping with overwhelm and daily stressors.

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Tim Ferris - You Tube

Do something unfamiliar to stretch your boundaries.

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Dr Joe Dispenza - You Tube

Watch this every day.

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Caroline Myss- Ted x

Choices that change your life.

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Be Greatful - inspirational audio-file

Be greatful for everything - even the tough stuff.

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Suicidal Thoughts PDF Link
If you have thoughts about suicide you're not alone...
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Finding Joe, full movie
 An uplifting movie about the relationship between mythology and the human journey. Download the file... Go to this resource...

Get Your ACE's score
Open and complete this document to get your ACE score and learn more about ACE's Download the file... Go to this resource...

Sam Bernes Ted x
Philosophy for a happy life. Download the file... Go to this resource...

Information is Beautiful
There's a lot of information on the web. Make sure you are influenced by only the good stuff.
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Emotional Survival for Law Enforcement Officers
A Youtube introduction to the state of hypervigilance and improved mental health
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The Compassion Project

Join CPP Founder Fritzi Horstman and guests as they discuss the objectives and approaches involved in bringing trauma awareness and compassionate healing to the forefront of public conversation.

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Ownership over your physiological being
Insights into why we do what we do and what we can do to gain deeper connection to ourselves and others.
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You can't hurt me YouTube
An inspirational video to eradicate bullies and build unlimited self-confidence.  Download the file... Go to this resource...

Get rid of your so called friends
A video to move you towards what you want Download the file... Go to this resource...

Meditation is Not what you Think
Insights into meditation, hw to get started and whats not to worry about. Download the file... Go to this resource...

Loretta LaRoche - Ted x

How to humour your stress away.

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Peter Westoby - You Tube

The I to we movement.

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Douglas Lisle - Ted x

The pleasure trap.

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John Cacioppo - Ted x

The lethality of lonliness.

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Learn about our ethics and what makes a Greenheart Community tick! Download the file... Go to this resource...

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